
Mahayana Sutra & Tantra Press


Nagarjuna's Letter
146 pages. List price $ 10.50

Nagarjuna's Letter is a translation of a Tibetan commentary to Nagarjuna's classic poem "Letter to a Friend" by the 14th century scholar Rendawa Shönu Lodrö. Arya Nagarjuna's poem in 123 verses, which is addressed to his patron, King Udayabhadra, contains a comprehensive review of fundamental Buddhist teachings common to all traditions. The subjects include general advice concerning virtuous practices, the methods of developing aversion for samsara, and how to practice the actual path to liberation. Venerable Rendawa was an important scholar in the Sakya lineage who became one of Je Tsongkapa's personal teachers. He presents the instruction contained in Nagarjuna's verses in a clear and straightforward style, supporting his explanations with numerous citations from classical Buddhist sources.
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