
Mahayana Sutra & Tantra Press


King Udrayana and the Wheel of Life
248 pages. List Price $ 9.50

The story of King Udrayana tells how the Buddha devised a painting to illustrate the twelve-part teaching on dependent origination. The Wheel of Life depicts the process in which the cycle of rebirth is set in motion, as well as the five main samsaric realms. The first two of the book's three parts are in bilingual format, with English and Tibetan on facing pages. The first part is an abridgement of the canonical record from the Vinaya scriptures that describes events related to the famous Wheel of Life drawing. The story concludes with the Buddha revealing the past karmic deeds that were responsible for many of the experiences encountered by that the main characters in the narrative. The second part, which gives philosophical definitions and explanations of the elements depicted in the drawing, also features quotations from classical Buddhist texts. The third part is a lecture given by Sermey Khensur Lobsang Tharchin on the meaning of the images that depict the twelve limbs of dependent origination.
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